Product Details

A Guide for Creative Expression Activities

Working with Seniors with Early to Moderate Dementia

ITEM 04 (CAN $76.95)

This Guide, Working with Seniors, is based on research and on personal experience. The award-winning program of creative expression activities is designed to improve the quality of life of people living with dementia and provide ideas about how to develop your own program of creative expression activities. This program won awards from the Alzheimer Society of Canada and The American Society on Aging & MetLife Foundation.

This Guide touches on various topics such as growing up, friendship, the waltz, pets, beauty, love and seasons of the year. Topics can be drawn from sources, including the seniors themselves, literature on aging, life review and reminiscing and events occuring in the care facility. A special effort is given to selected topics that are relevant to participants. By linking life experiences with the interests of the seniors, they find reasons to stay engaged in the program activities.

  • Program Objectives
  • Additional Views
  • Content
  • Specifications
  • Reviews

The Program Objectives

  1. To provide an opportunity for expressing and sharing personal life experiences
  2. To increase social interaction and decrease isolation
  3. To encourage creative self-expression
  4. To increase well-being, a sense of fulfillment, achievement and enjoyment, and to decrease agitation

Building Blocks

  • Why creativity and creative expression are important
  • Creative expression – Birth of a program
  • Setting the stage
  • Getting to know the seniors

The Program

  • Session Model
  • Guidelines
  • How do you know if the session is successful?

Activities in Action

  • Art activities: The birds
  • Discussions: Good versus bad
  • Writing poems: Friendship
  • Music & Dancing

  1. Format: CD
  2. Length: 40 Min
  3. Weight: 120g (4.3oz)

“A must-see for those new to the field of activities for seniors or those wanting to improve their technique with a new approach. Following Dalia's recommendations and modelling her engaging style you will develop a caring, creative and fun activity.”

Debbie Cossover, Activity Co-ordinator, L’Chaim Adult Day Centre

“Fabulous! Superb Visuals!! Extremely engaging !!!
This e-Book shows how a variety of creative arts can be used to make contact and encourage self expression with a person with dementia symptoms; painting, music, dance, verbal/non-verbal interaction. I felt like I was there. The simple to use videos drew me in as a visual learner, and it felt like such an honour to actually witness this precious work Dalia has done. I liked the videos being part of the e-Book. The video segments brought the words to life and validated their meaning.”

Kim Brame, Director, Music on the Move, President, Music Therapy Association of BC